My eldest child’s father and I split up when she was only ten months old and we sometimes struggled with co-parenting but those challenges and successes have really helped me in my journey to support other single parents and co-parents. We had to learn about boundaries and putting any differences aside in order to celebrate our child’s birthdays and life milestones. The Parenting after Separation course put on by the Single Parent Resource Centre was really helpful.
My current partner and I have our own child and this helped me to learn what it is like to be a part of a blended family.
I can offer counselling to parents by phone, video, or in home visits.
A very dear friend of mine passed away and I have been honoured to support her children in their lives. I continue to learn a lot about supporting grieving children. The Family Sparks programs by Dr. Jillian Roberts is a very helpful resource.
Aside from these life lessons and skills I have also taken many parenting courses through the Institute of Child Psychology, FamilySmart, Dan Siegel, Allison Reese’s Side Stepping the Power Struggles and Dr. Ross Greene. I have also read many, many parenting books and have now worked with tons of families to help them improve their relationships with their children and with their former spouses or new partner to raise healthy and content children.
Issues/Concerns I have helped with include:
Identity Exploration
Setting Boundaries/Limits
Support child/youth with ADHD challenges(Executive Functioning)
Support child/youth on Autism Spectrum
Power Struggles
Sibling Rivalry
Bi-polar/Borderline Personality Disorder
Substance use
Gaming Disorder
Balanced use of digital technology
Concerns with use of porn
Bullying/Cyberbullying Behaviours/Social Cruelty
Going between two homes
Behaviour challenges